Bibliography: JOSEPH WERNE
- Design of a Mars Oxygen Processor: Ash, R., J. Werne and M.B. Haywood 1989, in The Case for Mars III edited by C. Stoker, AAS Science and Technology Series, 75, 479-487.
- Numerical Simluatins of Soft and Hard Turbulence: Preliminary Results for Two-Dimensional Convection: DeLuca, E. E., J. Werne, R. Rosner, and F. Cattaneo 1990, Phys. Rev. Letters, 64(20), 2370-3.
- The Development of Hard-Turbulent Convection in Two Dimensions: Numerical Evidence: Werne, J., E. E. DeLuca, R. Rosner and F. Cattaneo 1991, Phys. Rev. Letters, 67(25), 3519.
- The Structure of Hard-Turbulent Convection in Two Dimensions: Numerical Evidence: Werne, J. 1993, Phys. Rev. E, 48, 1020.
- Plume Model for the Boundary-Layer Dynamics in Hard Turbulence : Werne, J. 1994, Phys. Rev. E, 49, 4072.
- Incompressibility and No-Slip Boundaries in the Chebyshev-Tau Approximation: Correction to Kleiser and Schumann's Influence-Matrix Solution: Werne, J. 1995, J. Comput. Phys., 120, 260.
- Penetrative Convection in Rapidly Rotating Flows: Preliminary Results from Numerical Simulation: Julien, K., S. Legg, J. McWilliams, and J. Werne 1996, Dyn. Atmos. Oceans, 24, 237.
- Turbulent Rotating Rayleigh-Benard Convection with Comments on 2/7: Werne, J. 1995, Woods Hole Oceanog. Inst. Tech. Rept. WHOI-95-27.
- Hard turbulence in rotating Rayleigh-Benard convection: Julien, K., S. Legg, J. McWilliams, and J. Werne 1996, Phys. Rev. E, 53, 5557R.
- Rapidly Rotating Turbulent Rayleigh-Benard Convection: Julien, K., S. Legg, J. McWilliams and J. Werne 1996, J. Fluid Mech., 322, 243.
- Dynamics and Scaling in Quasi Two-Dimneionsal Turbulent Convection: Bizon, C., A. A. Predtechensky, J. Werne, K. Julien, W. D. McCormick, J. B. Swift and H. Swinney 1997, Physica A., 239, 204.
- Plume Dynamics in Quasi 2D Turbulent Convection: Bizon, C., J. Werne, A. A. Predtechensky, K. Julien, W. D. McCormick, J. B. Swift and H. L. Swinney 1997, Chaos, 7, 1.
- Turbulent convection: what has rotation taught us?: Werne, J. 2000 in Geophysical and Astrophysical Convection, Eds. P.A. Fox and R.M. Kerr. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 221.
- The effects of rotation on the global dynamics of turbulent convection: Julien, K., J. Werne, S. Legg and J. McWilliams 1997 in SCORe'96: Solar Convection and Oscillations and their Relationship. Eds. J. Christensen-Dalsgaasrd and F.P. Pijpers. Kluwer Academic Publ., 227-230.
- The effect of rotation on convective overshoot: Julien, K., J. Werne, S. Legg and J. McWilliams 1996, in SCORe'96: Solar Convection and Oscillations and their Relationships. Eds. J. Christensen-Dalsgaasrd and F.P. Pijpers. Kluwer Academic Publ., 231-234.
- Comment on "There is no Error in the Kleiser-Schumann Influence-Matrix Method": Werne, J. 1998, J. Comput. Phys. 141, 88.
- Turbulence in Stratified and Shear Fluids: T3E Simulations: Werne, J. and D.C. Fritts 1998, 8th DoD HPC User Group Conference, Houston, TX.
- 2-D Convection in Tall, Narrow Containers: Implications for Theories of Heat Transport in Hard Turbulence: Werne, J. 1996, (in preparation).
- High Rayleigh number convective transport: testing theories by modifying boundary conditions: Brummell, N., K. Julien, and J. Werne 1996, (in preparation).
- Plumes in rotating convection: Part 1. Ensemble statistics and dynamical balances: Julien, K., S. Legg, J. McWilliams, and J. Werne 1999, J. Fluid Mech. 391, 151-187.
- Statistical Analysis of the Influence of Rotation in Rayleigh-Benard Convection: Julien, K., S. Legg, J. McWilliams, and J. Werne 1996, (in preparation).
- On the linear stability of Hele-Shaw Convection: Julien, K. and J. Werne 1996, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, (to be submitted).
- A new class of equations for rotationally constrained flows: Julien, K., E. Knobloch and J. Werne 1998, Theoret. and Comput. Fluid Dynamics, 11, 251-261.
- Reduced Equations for Rotationally Constrained Convection: Julien, K., E. Knobloch and J. Werne 1999, In the International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, v.1, pp. 101-106, Begel House.
- A Reduced Description for Rapidly Rotating Turbulent Convection: Julien, K., E. Knobloch and J. Werne 1998, In Advances in Turbulence
VII, Eds U. Frisch, pp. 472-482, Klumer Academic Publishers.
- Dynamics of counter-rotating vortex pairs in stratified and sheared environments: Garten, J.F., S. Arendt, D.C. Fritts and J. Werne 1998, J. Fluid Mech. 361, 189-236.
- Anisotropy in Stratified Shear Turbulence: Werne, J. and D.C. Fritts 1999, 9th DoD HPC User Group Conference, Monterey, CA.
- Stratified shear turbulence: Evolution and statistics: Werne, J. and D.C. Fritts 1999, Geophys. Res. Letters 26, 439.
- Turbulence-induced fluctuations in ionization and application to PMSE: Hill, R.J., D. Gibson-Wilde, J. Werne and D.C. Fritts 1999, Earth Planets Space, 51, 499.
- Structure Functions in Stratified Shear Turbulence: Werne, J. and D.C. Fritts 2000, 10th DoD HPC User Group Conference, Albuquerque, NM.
- Turbulence Dynamics and Mixing due to Gravity Waves in the Lower and Middle Atmosphere: Fritts, D.C. and J. Werne 2000, in Atmospheric Science across the Stratopause, Geophysical Monograph 123, American Geophys. Union, 143-159.
- Hierarchical Data Structuring: an MPP I/O How-to: Werne, J., P. Adams and D. Sanders 2000, Scientific Computing at NPACI, June 14, Volume 4 Issue 12.
- Linear scaling during production runs: conquering the I/O bottleneck: Werne, J., P. Adams and D. Sanders 2000, in ARSC CRAY T3E Users' Group Newsletter 193, April 14, eds. T. Baring & G. Robinson.
- Numerical modeling of turbulent zero momentum late wakes in density stratified fluids: Gourlay, M.J., S.C. Arendt, D.C. Fritts, and J. Werne 2000, 10th DoD HPC User Group Conference, June 5-9, Albuquerque, NM.
- Numerical modeling of turbulent non-zero momentum late wakes in density stratified fluids: Gourlay, M.J., S.C. Arendt, D.C. Fritts, and J. Werne 2000, Fifth International Sypmosium on Stratified Flows, July 10-13, Vancouver, Canada.
- Numerical modeling of initially turbulent wakes with net momentum: Gourlay, M. J., S.C. Arendt, D.C. Fritts, and J. Werne 2001, Phys. Fluids 13, 3783.
- Numerical simulation of late wakes in stratified and sheard flows: Fritts, D., M. Gourlay, W. Orlando, C. Meyer, J. Werne, and T. Lund 2003, 13th DoD HPC User Group Conference, DOI:10.1109/DODUGC.2001.1253394
- Direct numerical simulation of VHF radar measurements of turbulence in the mesosphere: Gibson-Wilde, D., J. Werne, D.C. Fritts and R.J. Hill 2000, Radio Science 35, 783.
- Anisotropy in a stratified shear layer: Werne, J. and D.C. Fritts 2001, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 26, 263.
- Direct numerical simulations of the Crow instability and subsequent vortex reconnection in a stratified fluid: Garten, J. F., J. Werne, D.C. Fritts, and S. Arendt 2001, J. Fluid Mech. 426, 1.
- Wave-breaking and shear turbulence simulations in support of the Airborne Laser: Werne, J., C. Bizon, C. Meyer, and D. C. Fritts 2001, 11th DoD HPC User Group Conference, June, Biloxi, MS.
- Vertical transport by convection plumes: Modificiation by rotation: Legg, S., K. Julien, J. McWilliams, and J. Werne 2001, Phys. Chem. of the Earth, B, 26 (4), 259-262.
- The Effects of Ambient Stratification on the Crow Instability and Subsequent Vortex Reconnection: Garten, J. F., J. Werne, D. C. Fritts and S. Arendt 1999 in European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics, ESAIM Proceedings, Third International Workshop on Vortex Flow and Related Numerical Methods, Vol 7 Eds: A. Giovannini, G. H. Cottet, Y. Gagnon, A. Ghoniem, E. Meiburg.
- Application of turbulence simulations to the meesosphere: Gibson-Wilde, D., J. Werne, D. C. Fritts, and R. Hill 2000, Proc. MST 9 Radar Workshop, Toulouse, France.
- A new dynamical subgrid model for the planetary surface layer. I. The model and a priori tests: Dubrulle, B., J.-P. Laval, P. P. Sullivan and J. Werne 2002, J. Atmos. Sci. 59, 857.
- Entrainment-zone restratification and flow structures in stratified shear turbulence: Pettersson-Reif, B.A., J. Werne, \O. Andreassen, C. Meyer, M. Davis-Mansour 2002, Studying Turbulence Using Numerical Simulation Databases -IX, Proceedings of the 2002 Summer Program, Center for Turbulence Research, ed. P. Bradshaw, 245-256.
- Layering accompanying turbulence generation due to shear instability and gravity wave breaking: Fritts, D.C., C. Bizon, J.A. Werne, and C.K. Meyer 2003, J. Geophys. Res. 108, D8, 8452, doi:10.1029/2002JD002406.
- The Need for Control Experiments in Local Helioseismology: Werne, J., A. Birch, and K. Julien 2004, SOHO 14/GONG 2004, Helio- and Asteroseismology: Towards a Golden Future, New Haven, CT., Es. D. Danesy, European Space Agency SP-559.
- Visualization of the Energy-Containing Turbulent Scales: Helgeland, A., \O. Andreassen, A. Ommundsen, B.A. Pettersson-Reif, J. Werne, T. Gaarder 2004, 2004 IEEE Symposium on Volume Visualization and Graphics (VV'04) 103-109., DOI:10.1109/SVVG.2004.15
- Persistence of a Kelvin-Helmholtz instability complex in the upper troposphere: M.C. Kelley, C.Y. Chen, R.R. Beland, R. Woodman, J.L. Chau, and J. Werne 2005, J. Geophys. Res. 110, D14, 106, doi:10.1029/2004JD005345.
- CAP Phase II Simulations for the Air Force HEL-JTO Project: Atmospheric Turbulence Simulations on NAVO's 3000-Processor IBM P4+ and
ARL's 2000-Processor Intel Xeon EM64T Cluster: Werne, J., T. Lund, B.A. Pettersson-Reif, P. Sullivan, and D.C. Fritts 2005, 15th DoD HPC User Group Conference, June, Nashville, TN., DOI:10.1109/DODUGC.2005.16
- Characterization of high altitude turbulence for Air Force platforms: Ruggiero, F.H., J. Werne, T.S. Lund, D.C. Fritts, K. Wan, L. Wang, A. Mahalov, and B. Nichols 2005, 15th DoD HPC User Group Conference, June, Nashville, TN.
- Generalized quasi-geostrophy for spatially anisotropic rotationally constrained flows: K. Julien, E. Knobloch, R. Milliff & J. Werne 2006, J. Fluid Mech., 555, 233-274.
- Mean and variable forcing of the middle atmosphere by gravity waves: Fritts, D.C., S.L. Vadas, K. Wan, and J. Werne 2006, J. Atmos. Solar-Terres. Phys., 68, 247-265.
- Characterization of High Altitude Turbulence for Air Force Platforms: Ruggiero, F.H., J. Werne, A. Mahalov, B. Nichols, and D.E. Wroblewski 2006, 16th DoD HPC User Group Conference, June, Denver, CO.
- Numerical simulation of an asymptotically reduced system for rotationally constrained convection: Sprague, M., K. Julien, E. Knobloch, and J. Werne 2006, J. Fluid Mech., 551, 141-174.
- Modeling of Sporadic-E Structures from Wind-Driven Kelvin-Helmholtz Turbulence: Bernhardt, P.A., J. Werne, and M.F. Larsen 2006, In Characterising the Ionosphere. Meeting Proceedings RTO-MP-IST-056, Paper 34, pp. 34-1 -- 34-14. Neuilly-sur-Seine, France: RTO.
- Characterization of High Altitude Turbulence for Air Force Platforms: Ruggiero, F.H., A. Mahalov, B. Nichols, J. Werne, and D.E. Wroblewski 2007, 17th DoD HPC User Group Conference, June, Pittsburgh, PA., DOI:10.1109/HPCMP-UGC.2007.15
- High-Resolution Simulations and Atmospheric Turbulence Forecating: Werne, J., D.C. Fritts, L. Wang, T. Lund, and K. Wan 2008, 18th DoD HPC User Group Conference, July, Seattle, WA.
- Gravity wave instability dynamics at high Reynolds numbers, 1: Wave field evolution at large amplitudes and high frequencies: Fritts, D.C., L. Wang, J. Werne, T. Lund, and K. Wan 2009, J. Atmos. Sci. 66, 1126-1148, doi:10.1175/2008JAS2726.1.
- Gravity wave instability dynamics at high Reynolds numbers, 2: Turbulence evolution, structure, and anisotropy: Fritts, D.C., L. Wang, J. Werne, T. Lund, and K. Wan 2009, J. Atmos. Sci. 661149-1171, doi:10.1175/2008JAS2727.1.
- High-Resolution Simulations of Internal Gravity-Wave Fine Structure Interactions and Implications for Atmospheric Turbulence Forecasting: Werne, J., Fritts, D.C., L. Wang, T. Lund and K. Wan 2009, 19th DoD HPC User Group Conference, 15-19 June, San Diego, CA, DOI: 10.1109/HPCMP-UGC.2009.43
- Gravity wave fine-structure interactions: A reservoir of small-scale and large-scale turbulence energy: Fritts, D.C., L. Wang and J. Werne 2009, Geophys. Res. Lett. 36, L19805, doi:10.1029/2009GL039501.
- Numerical simulation of the linking of Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities at adjacent shear layers: Fritts, D.C., B. Laughman, J. Werne, D. Simkhada and M.J. Taylor 2009, J. Geophys., Res. (to be submitted).
- Numerical simulation of bore generation and morphology in thermal and Doppler ducts: Laughman, B., D.C. Fritts, and J. Werne 2009, Ann. Geophys., SpreadFEx special issue, 27, 511-523.
- Atmospheric Turbulence Forecasts for Air Force and Missile Defense Applications: Werne, J., D.C. Fritts, L. Wang, T. Lund, and K. Wan 2010, Invited Paper, 20th DoD HPC User Group Conference, 14-17 June, Schaumburg, IL, DOI:10.1109/HPCMP-UGC.2010.75
- Temperature and velocity structure functions in the upper troposhere and lower stratosphere from aircraft measurements (invited): Wroblewski, D.E., J. Werne, O. Cote, J. Hacker, and R. Dobosy 2010, J. Geophys. Res., DOI:10.1029/2010JD014618
- Comparisons of predicted bore evolutions by the Benjamin-Davis-Ono and Navier-Stokes equations for idealized mesopause thermal ducts: Laughman, B., D.C. Fritts, and J. Werne 2011, J. Geophys., Res., DOI:10.1029/2010JD014409
- Computation of clear-air radar backscatter from numerical simulations of turbulence: 1. Numerical methods and evaluation biases: Franke, P.M., S. Mahmoud, K. Raizada, K. Wan, D.C. Fritts, T. Lund, and J. Werne 2011, J. Geophys. Res., DOI:10.1029/2011JD015895
- Computation of clear-air radar backscatter from numerical simulations of turbulence: 2. Backscatter moments throughout the lifecycle of a Kelvin-Helmholtz instability: Fritt, D.C., P.M. Franke, K. Wan, T. Lund and J. Werne 2011, J. Geophys. Res., DOI:10.1029/2010JD014618
- Interpretation of apparent simultaneous occurrences of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in two airglow layers: Observations: Simkhada, D., B. Laughman, D.C. Fritts, J. Werne, and A. Liu 2013, J. Geophys., Res. (submitted).
- Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in two airglow layers: Observations: Simkhada, D., B. Laughman, D.C. Fritts, J. Werne, and A. Liu 2013, J. Geophys., Res. (submitted).
- Modeling the implications of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability dynamics for airglow observations: Fritts, D.C., K. Wan, J. Werne, T. Lund, J.H. Hecht 2014, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, 8858-8871. doi:10.1002/2014JD021737.
- Gravity Wave-Fine Structure Interactions. Part I: Influences of Fine Structure Form and Orientation on Flow Evolution and Instability: Fritts, D.C., L. Wang, and J.A. Werne 2013, J. Atmos. Sci. 70:12, 3710-3734, DOI:10.1175/JAS-D-13-055.1
- Coupled small scale mesospheric dynamics in a dual shear environment over Hawaii II: Modeling and interpretation: Laughman, B., D.C. Fritts, J. Werne, D.B. Simkhada, M.J. Taylor, and A.Z. Liu 2013, J. Geophys. Res. (submitted).
- Quantifying Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability Dynamics Observed in Noctilucent Clouds: 2. Modeling and Interpretation of Observations: Fritts, D.C., G. Baumgarten, K. Wan, J. Werne, T. Lund 2014, J. Geophys. Res., 119, 9359-9375, doi:10.1002/2014JD021833
- Numerial Modeling of Multiscale Dynamics at a High Reynolds Number: Instabilities, Turbulence, and an Assessment of Ozmidov and Thorpe Scales: Fritts, D.C., L. Wang, M.A. Geller, D.A. Lawrence, J. Werne, B.B. Balsley 2016, J. Atmos. Sci., 73(2), 555-578, doi:10.1175/JAS-D-14-0343.1
- Fine Structure, Instabilities, and Turbulence in the Lower Atmosphere: High-Resolution in Situ Slant-Path Measurements with the DataHawk UAV and Comparisons with Numerical ModelingBalsley, B.B., D.A. Lawrence, D.C. Fritts, L. Wang, K. Wan, J. Werne, 2018, J. Atmos. and Oceanic Tech., 35(3), 619-642, doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-16-0037.1