Institutional Address:
NorthWest Research Associates
3380 Mitchell Lane, Boulder, CO 80301, 303-415-9701 x207,
Old Dominion University
B.S. (summa), Physics (1987)
B.S. (summa), Mech. Eng'g & Mechanics (1987)
The University of Chicago, Ph.D., Physics (1993)
Positions Held:
1985-87 |
Engineering Co-op, Reactor Plant Planning Yard, Newport News Shipbuilding |
1987-89 |
Teaching Assistant, Physics Department, The University of Chicago |
1989-92 |
Research Assistant, Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, The University of Chicago |
1992-94 |
Postdoctoral Fellow, Advanced Study Program, National Center for Atmospheric Research |
1994-95 |
Visiting Scientist, National Center for Atmospheric Research |
1995-96 |
Research Associate, Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics & Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, Univ. of Colorado |
1997-01 |
Research Scientist, NorthWest Research Associates |
2001-08 |
Assistant Division Manager, NorthWest Research Associates |
2006-18 |
Vice President, NorthWest Research Associates |
1998- |
Affiliated Faculty, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado |
2001- |
Senior Research Scientist, NorthWest Research Associates |
2003-21 |
Director on the Board, NorthWest Research Associates |
Professional Societies:
American Physical Society
American Astronomical Society
Professional Activities:
Conference Participation: Gordon Conference on Modeling in Solar Terrestrial Physics (1990); Gordon Conference on Solar Plasma and MHD Processes (1991); Army High Performance Computing Research Center, Workshop on Visualization and Statistical Analysis in Hard Turbulence (1992); The James Franck Institute, The University of Chicago, Turbulence Meeting (1993); Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, Supercomputing Techniques: Parallel Processing/Cray T3D (1994); Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Summer Program in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (1995); NCAR Geophysical and Astrophysical Convection (1995); American Physical Society 43th, 44th, 46th, 47th, 48th, 58th, 60th & 66th Annual Meetings of the Division of Fluid Dynamics (1990-91, 1993-95, 2005, 2007, 2013); University of California 12th Annual Conference in Nonlinear Science (1996); National Center for Supercomputing Applications, Parallel Computing Workshop; SGI Origin (1997); DoD HPCMO User Group Conference (1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011); Global Grid Forum 2 and 3, Washington, D.C. (2001) and Frascati, Italy (2001); EUROMECH Workshop 428 "Transport by coherent structures in environmental and geophysical flows," Torino, Italy (2001); Department of Energy, Environmental Meterology Program, "Vertical Transport and Mixing," Salt Lake City (2001, 2002); Center for Turbulence Research, "30 Years of Dynamic Modeling," Stanford University (2002); Invited Speaker, Center for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory (2003); Invited Speaker, "Helio- and Asteroseismology: Towards a Golden Future," Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut (2004); "Turbulence and Waves," Lighthill Institute of Mathematical Sciences, London, UK (2004); Visiting Scientist Colloquium, NASA Langley Research Center (2005); Invited Speaker, "Turbulent Mixing and Beyond," Trieste, Italy (2007); Co-organizer, NCAR 2008 Theme of the Year Workshop "Petascale Computing: Its Impact on Geophysical Modeling and Simulation" (2008). Invited Speaker, 20th DoD HPCMO User Group Conference, Schaumburg, IL (2010); Invited Speaker, "Turbulent Mixing and Beyond TMB-2011," Trieste, Italy (2011); Invited Speaker, Fundamental Aspects of Geophysical Turbulence II (2015); VIII International Symposium on Stratified Flows (2016); Invited Speaker, "McWilliams Symposium" National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO (2016).
Software: Principal Architect & Author, Practical Supercomputing Toolkit, used by the Department of Defense (DoD) High Performance Computing and Modernization Program (HPCMP) to define a uniform command-line interface that streamlines use of disparate supercomputer platforms, high-speed networks, and archival data storage systems at all of the DoD HPC centers: Principal Architect & Author, Werne-NWRA Triple Code, a highly accurate pseudo-spectral fluid-dynamics solver designed to run efficiently on modern massively parallel supercomputer platforms:
Teaching: Instructor, Summer MCAT Program, The University of Chicago, Biological Sciences Division and the Pritzker School of Medicine (1989-92). Principal Lecturer, NCAR 2008 Summer School: Geophysical Turbulence. Instructor, University of Colorado at Boulder 2009 Supercomputing Workshop, Fluid Instabilities, Waves, and Turbulence, as part of Professor Juri Toomre's ASTR/ATOC 5410 Graduate Course
Awards: A.D. Morgan Scholarship (1986-87); Faculty Award in Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (1987); Outstanding Senior Award in Physics (1987); Gregor Wentzel Prize for Excellence as Graduate Student Tutor (1988).
Societies: American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics (1992-present); Phi Kappa Phi; Pi Tau Sigma; Tau Beta Pi (1986-87).
General Fields of Investigation:
Theoretical and numerical turbulence process, dynamics, and transport mechanisms in geophysical and astrophysical applications, including both stable and unstable stratification. Specific research areas include high-Rayleigh-number convection, penetrative convection, rotating convection, stratified sheer turbulence, gravity-wave breaking, wave-wave interactions, multi-scale shear and wave dynamics, magnetohydrodynamic instability and turbulence processes, and optimal-perturbation theory. Applications have included ocean- and atmosphere-dynamics modeling, aircraft-wakes evolution and ground interactions, plasma dynamics for space-weather applications, solar-interior modeling, helioseismic analysis of the solar interior, and Bayesian-hierarchical turbulence-process modeling in the troposphere and stratosphere. A primary emphasis has been on efficient and accurate spectral numerical methods, large-scale and high-performance computing, and massively parallel computing on a wide range of architectures, starting with the Cray XMP and YMP vector machines, the modestly parallel Cray C90, and then larger-scale and massively parallel platforms, including the Cray T3D, T3E, XT3, XT4, XT5, XE6, XC40; IBM SP, P4+, P5+, P6; SGI O2k, O3k, Altix; Compaq SC40/45.
Business Development:
Developed, analyzed, and helped implement the 2000 NWRA Business Model, which encourages Research Scientists to become Principal-Investigator (PI) Partners in a successful research-science company. This model is novel, maximizes PI compensation, minimizes corporate taxes, has proven to be an invaluable recruiting tool for NWRA, and has worked successfully since 2000.