Triple Code

Educational Outreach
Research Using Triple
Code Description
Publications from Triple


The NWRA Triple Code is a highly accurate pseudo-spectral fluid-dynamics solver designed to run efficiently on modern massively parallel supercomputer platforms. Triple simulates the Navier-Stokes equations in the Boussinesq approximation (i.e., filtering out sound waves), using either Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) or Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) techniques. Triple development started in 1992 as part of an NSF Grand Challenge Applications Group (GCAG) for Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics. It was designed and written by Dr. Joe Werne, and it has benefited through collaboration with contributions from Prof. Keith Julien, Dr. Michael Gourlay, and Dr. Tom Lund.

Triple has been used to address a range of research applications, including turbulent shear (i.e., Kelvin-Helmholtz) instability, monochromatic gravity-wave breaking, multi-scale gravity-wave dynamics, rotating and non-rotating turbulent convection, aircraft wake-vortex dynamics under varied conditions, and high-altitude bore generation in thermal and Doppler ducts. Modified versions of Triple have been developed to simulate acoustic wave propagation in inhomogeneous media and an asymptotically reduced set of equations derived for rapidly rotating convection.

The current version of Triple is 4.0.1. The 3.2.0 version of the NWRA Triple Code has been incorrectly referenced as GATS-DNS or Ling Wang's DNS. A summary of the code version attributes is found below under Version History.


Triple development started in 1992 while Dr. Werne participated in one of the very first NSF Grand Challenge projects. Triple's algorithms and data layout have been updated over time to keep pace with evolving supercomputer design, spanning highly vectorized, modestly parallel, massively parallel distributed-memory, and modern heterogeneous massively parallel architectures. To date it has served as the workhorse code for seven different NSF, NASA, and DoD Grand Challenge, and three DoD Capability Application Projects (CAP), racking up over 100 million CPU hours of use modeling a wide range of problems.

Over it's history, Triple has been ported to a large number of different systems, including Cray (XC30, XE6, XT5, XT4, XT3, T3E, T3D, C90, YMP), IBM (Blue Gene/L, P6, P5+, P4+, SP), SGI (Altix, O3k, O2k), Intel (Xeon Cluster), and Compaq (SC40/45) machines. In many of these cases, not only did the compute platforms differ, but so did the queuing system, the associated archival storage system and software, the local data-storage hardware and software, as well as the interconnecting network. After all, many of these machines resided at different supercomputing centers and were operated by different agencies.

To handle porting to so many different systems, Dr. Werne developed and implemented a software translation-layer strategy that allows Triple's code and supporting scripts to run unaltered on all of these platforms. The translation-layer approach was formalized and further developed by Dr. Werne, Dr. Michael Gourlay, and Dr. Chris Bizon into the Practical Supercomputing Toolkit (PST), which was sponsored by the DoD High Performance Computing and Modernization Office (HPCMO) and provided to it's 5000-member user base.

    Educational Outreach

Triple includes sophisticated job-preparation and automation scripts that dramatically simplify it's use, even for first-time users who have never accessed a supercomputer before. Taking advantage of this capability, Dr. Werne has successfully led students through immersive, hands-on training programs in which research-level problems were solved by teams of students on a National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) supercomputer in a time-limited (e.g., two-week) workshop setting. After receiving lectures from Dr. Werne on the phenomena being studied (e.g., monochromatic gravity-wave breaking or Kelvin-Helmholtz instability), student teams selected problems to simulate, ran Triple for the parameter values they chose, used provided postprocessing routines to analyze Triple's output, then wrote reports presenting their results.

The first student workshop of this sort was conducted as part of the NCAR 2008 Theme of the Year Summer School. Example notes on Triple's use provided to the students can be found here. One of the NCAR Theme of the Year students, Dr. Daniel Dombroski, later went on to accept employment at NWRA, working with Dr. Werne on a solar physics research project.

Dr. Werne offered a second workshop as part of the University of Colorado at Boulder's Fluid Instabilities, Waves, and Turbulence graduate course ASTR-5410, taught by Prof. Juri Toomre. The final student reports for ASTR-5410 presenting their results obtained with Triple can be found here.

    Research Using Triple

Triple was originally developed to study rotating convection and penetrative convection in the ocean and the solar interior; this work was sponsored by NSF and NASA. Triple was later modified by Dr. Werne to study stratified dynamics, incuding high-Reynolds number Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, gravity-wave breaking, and multi-scale gravity-wave interactions in Earth's atmosphere; this work was sponsored by NSF, NASA, and AFRL. These stratified turbulence simulations were then used to study optical propagation through the atmosphere, sponsored by AFRL and MDA. Triple has also been applied to study turbulent wakes behind towed and self-propelled bodies, sponsored by ONR.

Click on the links below for synopses of each of these topics.
Rotating Convection
Penetrative Convection
Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability
Monochromatic Gravity-Wave Breaking
Multi-scale Gravity-Wave Interactions
Atmospheric Optical Propagation
Turbulent wakes

    Code Description

Algorithm Design: Triple solves the Navier-Stokes equations in a Cartesian geometry using a pseudo-spectral algorithm that is formally Nth-order accurate in space (where N is the number of spectral modes representing a given spatial direction) and 3rd-order accurate in time. Field variables are represented by either real, discrete Fourier-series or Chebyshev-polynomial expansions. The Fourier series accurately describe either periodic or bounded fields, where ``bounded'' refers to Dirichlet or Neumann conditions, which are represented, respectively, with sine- or cosine-series expansions. For cases employing Chebyshev polynomials, a primitive-variable formulation is used and tau corrections are applied, and general boundary conditions are possible.

Time-stepping is carried out in spectral space by advancing the Fourier-series and Chebyshev-polynomial coefficients. Triple uses the low-storage, mixed implicit/explicit 3rd-order Runge-Kutta scheme of Spalart, Moser, and Rogers (1991), which has storage requirements typical of most 2nd-order schemes. This permits larger numerical domains than are possible with most other 3rd-order methods. Triple treats the nonlinear terms explicitly while advancing the rotation, buoyancy, and diffusion terms implicitly. Derivatives are computed in spectral space via wavenumber multiplication, while non-linear terms are computed efficiently in physical space via field-variable multiplication. Discrete Fourier transforms are used to move between spectral and physical space; a cosine transform and the Gauss-Lobatto collocation points are used to transform the Chebyshev series.

Optimization: Triple's discrete 3D Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs) account for approximately 75% of its computational cost. It is important, therefore, for Triple's FFT implementation to be computationally efficient. To accomplish this Triple exploits the symmetry properties of real FFTs to realize a significant operation-count reduction compared to complex FFTs. Also, in order to reuse cache effectively, which is important on modern massively parallel architectures, Triple's FFTs are conducted in the contiguous (i.e., the first FORTRAN) array dimension. Transforms in other directions are computed only after suitable transpose operations are carried out to arrange the transform data contiguously first. Triple also optimizes its FFT routine for cache reuse by substituting trigonometric multi-angle recurrence relations for the more traditional table-look-up algorithm.

Most of Triple's inter-processor communication occurs in its global transpose needed for it's 3D FFTs. The communication pattern for the transpose is organized into a 2D array of processors, i.e., NCPU = P1 × P2, where communication is confined in these P1 and P2 groups, and optimal values for P1 and P2 depend on both 1) the size and shape of the numerical domain simulated and 2) the physical layout of the network and processors on which the calculation is carried out. A benefit of this approach is that very large numbers of processors may be used efficiently. For example, even a problem with a domain as small as NX × NY × NZ = 200 × 200 × 200 can be run efficiently on as many as NCPU = 40,000 processors.

Triple is designed to accommodate massive amounts of disk I/O during production runs. This is useful for post-processing or visualizing large 3D data sets at a later time and possibly on a different computing system. To accomplish this Triple employs 1) write-behind data buffering to overlap computation and I/O and 2) a parallel I/O strategy referred to as Hierarchical Data Structuring, which organizes file operations into a branching pattern that minimizes operating-system overhead and avoids reliance on system-parameter specification for which the user may have little or no control. On many high-performance computing systems, HDS and data buffering combined result in production runs that execute nearly as fast as tests with 3D I/O disabled.

Parallel Performance: From it's inception, Triple has been optimized for extreme performance, and as machine architectures have evolved, so has Triple's internal data layout so that it is best suited for the machines on which it is being run. To date four different data-decomposition strategies have been employed by Triple as it has followed the history of machine architetures from vector, to modestly parallel, to distributed memory, and finally to today's heterogeneous massively parallel designs.

Some History: In 1992, Triple development began on the NCAR Cray YMP, and maximal vector length provided the greatest performance potential for that machine. As such, Triple's discrete FFTs were initially computed over its data arrays' last Fortran index, allowing vectorization over the first two array indices. Then, when porting Triple to the NSF Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center's (PSC's) newly installed 16-processor Cray C90, Dr. Werne wrote Triple's 2nd-generation 3D FFT algorithm, which performs its discrete FFTs over the middle array index, allowing for modest vectorization over the first index and loop-level parallelization over the last index. Later, when the distributed-memory 500-processor Cray T3D was installed at PSC, Dr. Werne wrote Triple's 3rd-generation 3D FFT algorithm using Cray's SHMEM communication library, this time performing computations over the first array index in order to maximize both cache reuse and the number of simultaneous parallel tasks, which were distributed among the last two array indices. This strategy worked well for years, but when the number of cores exceeds NCPU=5000, the all-to-all communication pattern associated with this data layout becomes latency bound, and a more general strategy is needed. To address this problem, Dr. Werne wrote Triple's current (4th-generation) FFT routine, which factors communication into two groups, P1 and P2, that send messages separately through the machine network. Here P1 and P2 are factors of NCPU, i.e., NCPU = P1 × P2, and Triple's 3rd-generation FFT is simply the special case of P1=1. Some of the details of this approach are described in the Optimization section above.

Figure 1: Triple Code parallel performance for (a) simple and (b) factored domain decompositions.

Figure 1 shows Triple's parallel performance for its 3rd-generation (left panel) and 4th-generation (right panel) FFTs. The loss of perfect parallel scaling in the left panel is evident as the per-core execution time rises dramatically for NCPU>5000 on the Cray XT4 at the ARMY Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC). Likewise, the recovery of perfect parallel scaling in the right panel is evident when NCPU>15,000 when a factor of P1=16 is used running on the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Cray XE6.

Note that Figure 1 demonstrates the two cases P1=1 (left panel) and P1=16 (right panel) running on two different machines. From the figure we see that the optimal value of P1 depends on NCPU and the machine being used. Triple's 4th-generation FFT offers the flexibility to select the optimal value of P1, regardless the machine or the number of cores used.

Note, though Triple's inter-processor communication was initially implemented using the Cray SHMEM message-passing library on the Cray T3D, it was later modified to allow the option of either SHMEM or MPI (Message Passing Interface) communication libraries when Triple was ported to IBM platforms. This option remains available today, though SHMEM is becoming less available.

Job-Preparation and Automation: Significant challenges arise from many of the logistical operations associated with large-scale computing. To address these issues, Dr. Werne developed a modular system of code and Perl scripts to simplify, streamline, and automate large-scale computing tasks. Strategies incorporated in Triple include: 1) automating job-script preparation and submission so that users are not subjected to these repetitive and mindless tasks; 2) defining an irreducible set of job-related parameters for the job-preparation input file so that redundancy is removed, minimizing potential user error during batch-job specification; 3) migrating large 3D data volumes to archival storage automatically in real time while a batch job is executing so that impact on local disk space is minimized; and 4) developing a translation layer for predictable tasks so that code can be more easily maintained at multiple centers and users need not memorize multiple syntaxes to solve the same problem; these tasks include file transfer operations, queue-system control directives and parameters, and job-submission syntax. This last set of tools has been adopted by the Department of Defense as their "Uniform Command Line Interface"; see www.pstoolkit.org, home of the "Practical Supercomputer Toolkit (PST)" developed by Dr. Werne. With this suite of software tools, Dr. Werne and colleagues are able to devote very little time and effort to time-consuming, repetitive, and mundane tasks, and instead they can concentrate on higher level scientific tasks. As a result, simulations using Triple benefit from more than highly efficient and accurate numerical methods. They also benefit from an automated and flexible system of code that allows for more efficient use of the most valuable resource involved in high-performance computing: the time of the user carrying out the simulations.

Postprocessing: A suite of approximately twenty postprocessing routines has been developed to analyze Triple's output. Energy, momentum, available potential energy, and higher-order budgets are computed for mean, spanwise-averaged, and fluctuating quantities, totaling more than 500 statistical terms. Probability distributions and their first four moments are also computed, as are all spectra, 2nd-order structure functions, and 2nd-order structure tensors. Three-dimensional volume-rendering-visualization data is generated, as are fixed-position time traces and analyses of Triple's particle-tracer flow-advection data. All of these routines are carefully written to require no more per-processor memory than Triple itself, insuring that code-memory needs are always satisfied; i.e., the machine on which Triple computed a solution is guaranteed to also be able to postprocess the data Triple generated. Just like Triple, the suite of supporting postprocessing routines also benefits from automated job-preparation, compilation, and submission, and therefore modification of these routines to incorporate new analyses is easily facilitated.

Triple Version History:
1.0.0 (07/92) Initial version of Triple code using maximal vector lengths.
1.2.0 (01/93) Second-generation FFT algorithm, new data layout for discrete FFT computation over 
      middle index, loop-level parallelization over last index, vectorization over 1st index.
1.3.0 (06/94) Third-generation FFT algorithm, new data layout for FFT computation over 1st array 
      index, parallelization over last two indices. Physical-space partitioned among processors in
      X direction. Nyquist mode removed. Cosine-expansion recovery requires recurrence relations.
2.0.0 (04/95) Nyquist mode reintroduced, NCPUT variable introduced. 
2.0.1 (11/96) Triple outputs spectra files; spec and associated scripts and code now obsolete. 
      codeit now reads VERSION file.
2.0.2 (09/99) New version of _ked routines, standardize subroutine calls. Many files affected.
2.0.3 (10/00) Add iprob=23,24. slide operator introduced, adds analytic (exact) mean-flow advection.
2.0.4 (11/00) Add iprob=120,121 to test slide-operator code. islide.ne.1 is known to be buggy.
2.0.5 (06/01) Port to goliat2.ffi.no (SGI O3, openPBS) and gg3.ffi.no (SGI Altix, PBS).
      KNOWN BUGS --
      - On goliat2, number of processes spawned by each processor is larger than openPBS default, 
        job is aborted by the queuing system. Jobs can be run interactively only.
      - On gg3, the code hangs just before a call to t3e_transp.  
      - runbackups, runbackups0, readFvol, and sxyz2dat0 all contain bugs.
2.0.6 (12/01) Bugs removed: runbackups, runbackups0, readFvol, sxyz2dat0. runbackups can now override 
      platform::CANALTERPES. new: makeprog.altix, makespec.altix, makespec1.altix, makeinterp.altix. 
      restart_t3d_zyx.f now reads restart.tmp. minstep defined for ntimes=2 in triple_zyx.f.  
      New post-processing routines added. More eigenfunction initialization data added.
2.0.7 (12/04) Port to NAVO's romulus, IBM SP P4+
3.0.0 (03/05) Restart, volume, and planes data consolidated into single files using MPI-IO. 
      endian-ness checked for input files, all output is now big endian, including the restart file, 
      making restart files now portable. Reduce dealiased restart data file size. Separate restart 
      data into separate files. Ensure compatibility with legacy restart data. post-processing 
      codes must be updated accordingly. Update makefiles to address dependencies. Add example 
      ezViz (.ini) files. Allow multi-ASF configuration. onefile2D.f now uses MPI-IO. LES enabled.
3.0.1 (04/05) IOMETHOD added, MPI-IO requires compiling with MPI. output combined by post-processing
      if not by Triple. Triple now reads only single volume files.
      KNOWN BUGS --
      - combinem errant if nstep0>nstep2.
3.0.2 (08/06) Subvolumes now written to separate files. $io_ext included in codeit. On-the-fly restart.
3.0.3 (07/08) Port Triple to jade (Cray XT4 at ERDC); disable DEBUG in subtrp_zyx.f
3.1.0 (09/08) Split subroutines out into their own files.
3.2.0 (11/08) Has been incorrectly referenced as GATS-DNS or Ling Wang's DNS - Organize subroutine
      categories. Port to NAVO XT5 (einstein)
      KNOWN BUGS --
      - Segmentation-fault and other errors in particle routines.
      - Memory-management error discovered in SGS code; produces seg fault.
      - Error found in SGS terms; all LES solutions computed to date are incorrect.
      - Memory-management error discovered for bore problem.
      - Input-parameter specification and checking incomplete.
      - Vertical derivative incomplete.
      - Segmentation-fault error in particle-advection routines.
      - Automated run-time data archiving may be incomplete for some run parameters.
3.2.1 (05/10) Bugs removed from LES routines.
3.2.1-1 (03/13) Bugs removed from particle routines. Job-submission corrections for garnet.erdc 
        and copper.ors.  
3.2.1-2 (02/14) Precompiling enabled. 
3.2.2 (10/14) File I/O optimizaed. Bugs removed from particle routines.
3.2.3 (11/14) Email feature added to codeit. Bugs removed from LES and bore problems.
3.2.4 (11/14) Particle code updated; bugs removed.
3.2.5 (12/14) Particle restart enabled.
3.2.6 (01/15) Debug vertical derivatives.
4.0.0 (02/15) Fourth-generation FFT algorithm, factored domain layout.
4.0.1 (04/15) Derivative routines updated for factored domain layout.
    Publications Resulting from Triple
  1. Fritts, Baumgarten, Wan, Werne, Lund 2014: "Quantifying Kelvin-Helmholtz instability dynamics observed in noctilucent clouds: 2. Modeling and interpretation of observations", J. Geophys. Res., Vol 119, pp 9359-9375, doi:10.10 02/2014JD 021833.
  2. Fritts, Wan, Werne, Lund, Hecht 2014: "Modeling the Implications of Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability Dynamics for Airglow Observations", J. Geophys. Res., Vol 119, doi:10.1002/2014JD021737.
  3. Stellmach, Lischper, Julien, Vasil, Cheng, Ribeiro, King, Aurnou 2014:"Approaching the Asymptotic Regime of Rapidly Rotating Convection: Boundary Layers vs Interior Dynamics", Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol 113, p 254501.
  4. Fritts, Wang, Werne 2013: "Gravity Wave-Fine Structure Interactions. Part I: Influences of Fine Structure Form and Orientation on Flow Evolution and Instability", J. Atmos. Sci. Vol 70(12), pp 3710-3734, DOI:10.1175/JAS-D-13-055.1
  5. Laughman, Fritts, Werne, Simkdada and Taylor 2013: "Interpretation of apparent simultaneous occurrences of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in two airglow layers: Numerical Modeling", J. Geophys. Res. (submitted).
  6. Simkhada, Laughman, Fritts, Werne and Liu 2013: "Interpretation of apparent simultaneous occurrences of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in two airglow layers: Observations", J. Geophys., Res. (submitted).
  7. Simkhada, Laughman, Fritts, Werne and Liu 2013: "Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in two airglow layers: Observations", J. Geophys., Res. (submitted).
  8. Laughman, Fritts, Werne, Simkhada, Taylor and Liu 2013: "Coupled small scale mesospheric dynamics in a dual shear environment over Hawaii II: Modeling and interpretation", J. Geophys. Res. (submitted).
  9. Fritts, Wang 2013: "Gravity Wave-Fine Structure Interactions. Part II: Energy Dissipation Evolutions, Statistics, and Implications", J. Atmos. Sci., Vol 70, pp 3735-3755. doi:10.1175/JAS-D-13-059.1.
  10. Julien, Rubio, Grooms, Knobloch 2012: "Statistical and physical balances in low Rossby number Rayleigh-Benard convection", Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn. Vol 106:4-5, pp 392-428, doi:10.1080/03091929.2012.696109
  11. Laughman, Fritts and Werne 2011: "Comparisons of predicted bore evolutions by the Benjamin-Davis-Ono and Navier-Stokes equations for idealized mesopause thermal ducts: instability in two airglow layers", J. Geophys., Res., DOI:10.1029/2010JD014409
  12. Franke, Mahmoud, Raizada, Wan, Fritts, Lund and Werne 2011: "Computation of clear-air radar backscatter from numerical simulations of turbulence: 1. Numerical methods and evaluation biases", J. Geophys. Res., DOI:10.1029/2011JD015895
  13. Fritts, Franke, Wan, Lund and Werne 2011: "Computation of clear-air radar backscatter from numerical simulations of turbulence: 2. Backscatter moments throughout the lifecycle of a Kelvin-Helmholtz instability", J. Geophys. Res., DOI:10.1029/2010JD014618
  14. Werne, Fritts, Wang, Lund and Wan 2010: "Atmospheric Turbulence Forecasts for Air Force and Missile Defense Applications", Invited Paper, 20th DoD HPC User Group Conference, 14-17 June, Schaumburg, IL, DOI:10.1109/HPCMP-UGC.2010.75
  15. Wroblewski, Werne, Cote, Hacker and Dobosy 2010: "Temperature and velocity structure functions in the upper troposhere and lower stratosphere from aircraft measurements (invited)", J. Geophys. Res., DOI:10.1029/2010JD014618
  16. Fritts, Wang, Werne, Lund and Wan 2009: "Gravity Wave Instability Dynamics at High Reynolds Numbers. Part II: Turbulence Evolution, Structure, and Anisotropy", J. Atmos. Sci., DOI:10.1175/2008JAS2727.1
  17. Fritts, Wang, Werne, Lund and Wan 2009: "Gravity wave instability dynamics at high Reynolds numbers, 1: Wave field evolution at large amplitudes and high frequencies", J. Atmos. Sci. Vol 66, pp 1126-1148, doi:10.1175/2008JAS2726.1.
  18. Fritts, Wang, Werne, Lund and Wan 2009: "Gravity wave instability dynamics at high Reynolds numbers, 2: Turbulence evolution, structure, and anisotropy", J. Atmos. Sci. 661149-1171, doi:10.1175/2008JAS2727.1.
  19. Werne, Fritts, Wang, Lund and Wan 2009: "High-Resolution Simulations of Internal Gravity-Wave Fine Structure Interactions and Implications for Atmospheric Turbulence Forecasting", 19th DoD HPC User Group Conference, 15-19 June, San Diego, CA, DOI: 10.1109/HPCMP-UGC.2009.43
  20. Fritts, Wang and Werne 2009: "Gravity wave fine-structure interactions: A reservoir of small-scale and large-scale turbulence energy", Geophys. Res. Lett. Vol 36, L19805, doi:10.1029/2009GL039501.
  21. Fritts, Laughman, Werne, Simkhada and Taylor 2009: "Numerical simulation of the linking of Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities at adjacent shear layers", J. Geophys., Res. (to be submitted).
  22. Laughman, Fritts and Werne 2009: "Numerical simulation of bore generation and morphology in thermal and Doppler ducts", Ann. Geophys., SpreadFEx special issue, Vol 27, pp 511-523.
  23. Werne, Fritts, Wang, Lund and Wan 2008: "High-Resolution Simulations and Atmospheric Turbulence Forecating", 18th DoD HPC User Group Conference, July, Seattle, WA.
  24. Ruggiero, Mahalov, Nichols, Werne and Wroblewski 2007: "Characterization of High Altitude Turbulence for Air Force Platforms", 17th DoD HPC User Group Conference, June, Pittsburgh, PA., DOI:10.1109/HPCMP-UGC.2007.15
  25. Fritts, Vadas, Wan and Werne 2006: "Mean and variable forcing of the middle atmosphere by gravity waves", J. Atmos. Solar-Terres. Phys., Vol 68, pp 247-265.
  26. Ruggiero, Werne, Mahalov, Nichols and Wroblewski 2006: "Characterization of High Altitude Turbulence for Air Force Platforms", 16th DoD HPC User Group Conference, June, Denver, CO.
  27. Julien, Knobloch, Milliff, Werne 2006: "Generalized quasi-geostrophy for spatially anisotropic rotationally constrained flows", J. Fluid Mech., Vol 555, pp 233-274, doi:10.1017/S0022112006008949.
  28. Peterson, Julien, Weiss 2006: "Vortex cores, strain cells, and filaments in quasigeostrophic turbulence", Phys of Fluids, Vol 18, p 026601, doi:10.1063/1.2166452.
  29. Sprague, Julien, Knobloch and Werne 2006: "Numerical simulation of an asymptotically reduced system for rotationally constrained convection", J. Fluid Mech., Vol 551, pp 141-174, doi:10.1017/S0022112005008499.
  30. Werne, Lund, Pettersson-Reif, Sullivan & Fritts, 2005: "CAP Phase II Simulations for the Air Force HEL-JTO Project: Atmospheric Turbulence Simulations on NAVO's 3000-Processor IBM P4+ and ARL's 2000-Processor Intel Xeon EM64T Cluster", 15th DoD HPC User Group Conf. June 2005, Nashville, DOI:10.1109/DODUGC.2005.16
  31. Kelley, Chen, Beland, Woodman, Chau & Werne, 2005: "Persistence of a Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability Complex in the Upper Troposphere", J. Geophys. Res. Vol 110, D14106, doi:10.1029/2004JD005345
  32. Ruggiero, Werne, Lund, Fritts, Wan, Wang, Mahalov and Nichols 2005: "Characterization of high altitude turbulence for Air Force platforms", 15th DoD HPC User Group Conference, June, Nashville, TN.
  33. Werne, Birch & Julien, 2004: "The Need for Control Experiments in Local Helioseismology", SOHO 14/GONG 2004, Helio- and Asteroseismology: Towards a Golden Future, New Haven, CT
  34. Helgeland, Andreassen, Ommundsen, Pettersson-Reif, Werne, Gaarder 2004: "Visualization of the Energy-Containing Turbulent Scales", 2004 IEEE Symposium on Volume Visualization and Graphics (VV'04) 103-109., DOI:10.1109/SVVG.2004.15
  35. Fritts, Bizon, Werne and Meyer 2003: "Layering accompanying turbulence generation due to shear instability and gravity wave breaking", J. Geophys. Res. Vol 108, D8, p 8452, doi:10.1029/2002JD002406.
  36. Fritts, Gourlay, Orlando, Meyer, Werne and Lund 2003: "Numerical simulation of late wakes in stratified and sheard flows", 13th DoD HPC User Group Conference, DOI:10.1109/DODUGC.2001.1253394
  37. Dubrulle, Laval, Sullivan and Werne 2002: "A new dynamical subgrid model for the planetary surface layer. I. The model and a priori tests", J. Atmos. Sci. Vol 59, p 857.
  38. Pettersson-Reif, Werne, Andreassen, Meyer, Davis-Mansour 2002: "Entrainment-zone restratification and flow structures in stratified shear turbulence", Studying Turbulence Using Numerical Simulation Databases -IX, Proceedings of the 2002 Summer Program, Center for Turbulence Research, ed. P. Bradshaw, pp 245-256.
  39. Legg, Julien, McWilliams and Werne 2001: "Vertical transport by convection plumes: Modificiation by rotation", Phys. Chem. of the Earth, B, Vol 26 (4), pp 259-262.
  40. Gourlay, Arendt, Fritts and Werne 2001: "Numerical modeling of initially turbulent wakes with net momentum", Phys. Fluids Vol 13, p 3783.
  41. Garten, Werne, Fritts and Arendt 2001: "Direct numerical simulations of the Crow instability and subsequent vortex reconnection in a stratified fluid", J. Fluid Mech. Vol 426, p 1.
  42. Werne, Bizon, Meyer and Fritts 2001: "Wave-breaking and shear turbulence simulations in support of the Airborne Laser", 11th DoD HPC User Group Conference, June, Biloxi, MS.
  43. Werne & Fritts, 2000: "Structure Functions in Stratified Shear Turbulence", DoD HPC User Group Conference, Albuquerque, NM
  44. Werne & Fritts, 2000: "Anisotropy in a stratified shear layer", Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Vol 26, p 263
  45. Fritts & Werne, 2000: "Turbulence Dynamics and Mixing due to Gravity Waves in the Lower and Middle Atmosphere" in Atmospheric Science across the Stratopause, Geophysical Monograph 123, American Geophys. Union, 143-159
  46. Gibson-Wilde, Werne, Fritts & Hill 2000: "Direct numerical simulation of VHF radar measurements of turbulence in the mesosphere", Radio Science, Vol 35, p 783.
  47. Werne, Adams & Sanders 2000: "Hierarchical Data Structure and Massively Parallel I/O", Parallel Computing.
  48. Werne, Adams and Sanders 2000: "Hierarchical Data Structuring: an MPP I/O How-to", Scientific Computing at NPACI, June 14, Vol 4 Issue 12.
  49. Werne, Adams and Sanders 2000: "Linear scaling during production runs: conquering the I/O bottleneck", in ARSC CRAY T3E Users' Group Newsletter 193, April 14, eds. T. Baring and G. Robinson.
  50. Gourlay, Arendt, Fritts and Werne 2000: "Numerical modeling of turbulent zero momentum late wakes in density stratified fluids", 10th DoD HPC User Group Conference, June 5-9, Albuquerque, NM.
  51. Gourlay, Arendt, Fritts and Werne 2000: "Numerical modeling of turbulent non-zero momentum late wakes in density stratified fluids", Fifth International Sypmosium on Stratified Flows, July 10-13, Vancouver, Canada.
  52. Gibson-Wilde, Werne, Fritts and Hill 2000: "Application of turbulence simulations to the mesosphere", Proc. MST 9 Radar Workshop, Toulouse, France.
  53. Julien, Legg, McWilliams and Werne 1999: "Plumes in rotating convection: Part 1. Ensemble statistics and dynamical balances", J. Fluid Mech. Vol 391, pp 151-187.
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  67. Werne 1996: "Turbulent convection: what has rotation taught us?", in Geophysical and Astrophysical Convection, Eds Fox and Kerr, Gordon Breach, 221.
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  71. Julien, Werne, Legg and McWilliams 1996: "The effect of rotation on convective overshoot" in SCORe'96: Solar Convection and Oscillations and their Relationships. Eds. J. Christensen-Dalsgaasrd and F. P. Pijpers. Kluwer Academic Publ., pp 231-234.
  72. Werne 1995: "Turbulent Rotating Rayleigh-Benard Convection with Comments on 2/7", Woods Hole Oceanog. Inst. Tech. Rept. WHOI-95-27.
  73. Werne 1995: "Incompressibility and No-Slip Boundaries in the Chebyshev-Tau Approximation: Correction to Kleiser and Schumann's Influence-Matrix Solution", J. Comput. Phys., Vol 120, p 260.