01 May: (see ASP log here) : TRACE and ASP
both on AR9441, seeing was excellent in the morning so we were able to
get nice full-AR scans every 1-2 hr and high-cadence (8-12 min) scans of
the emerging flux region to the N/E of the primary leading sunspot.
Good observations from 13:30UT until about 17:00 UT, then obtained good
calibration files.
02 May (see ASP log here) : TRACE and
both on AR9441. Weather gave us thick cirrus in the a.m., which cleared
for just an hour or so. Got one good scan of the entire AR, then
only a few of the following pores with higher cadence before clouds
and seeing got bad.
03 May (see ASP log here) : TRACE and
both on AR9441, seeing and weather were variable, two large scans
of the full AR only. I am no longer physically at the observatory and
relying on the observers there to run things, directing the action
04 May (see ASP log here) :
No Observations recorded for this day. Both early morning and late
afternoon were clouded out. We had some clearing in the late morning
and noon time hours. Poor seeing was the going thing for this time
05 May (see ASP log here) :
Looks like some good high-cadence scans of AR9445 (where TRACE was looking
at the direction of the MaxMillenium campaigns) in the early morning,
then a full-AR scan, a few more high-cadence scans. Seeing became
variable around 15:00UT, clouds around 17:00. But add'l scans after that
as well.
06 May (see ASP log here) :
Full AR9445 scans and a few high-cadence scans, 14:00UT - 16:30UT
07 May (see ASP log here) :
AR scans of 9445 13:50--14:30, then high-cadence scans 16:15 UT.
Region was apparently quite active.
Not a bad run... thanks to Joe and Doug and Steve for the support at the