Dr. Joseph Werne Boulder/CoRA NorthWest Research Associates 3380 Mitchell Lane, Boulder, CO 80301
303-415-9701 x207
Triple Code
big KH
Recent Publications
Werne, Lund, Pettersson-Reif, Sullivan & Fritts, 2005: "CAP Phase II Simulations for the Air Force HEL-JTO Project: Atmospheric Turbulence Simulations", 15th DoD HPC User Group Conf. June 2005, Nashville
Kelley, Chen, Beland, Woodman, Chau & Werne, 2005: "Persistence of a Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability Complex in the Upper Troposphere", J. Geophys. Res. (accepted)
Werne, Birch & Julien, 2004: "The Need for Control Experiments in Local Helioseismology", SOHO 14/GONG 2004, Helio- and Asteroseismology: Towards a Golden Future, New Haven, CT
Werne & Fritts, 2000: "Structure Functions in Stratified Shear Turbulence", DoD HPC User Group Conference, Albuquerque, NM
Werne & Fritts, 2000: "Anisotropy in a stratified shear layer", Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Vol 26, p 263
Fritts & Werne, 2000: "Turbulence Dynamics and Mixing due to Gravity Waves in the Lower and Middle Atmosphere" in Atmospheric Science across the Stratopause, Geophysical Monograph 123, American Geophys. Union, 143-159
Gibson-Wilde, Werne, Fritts & Hill 2000: "Direct numerical simulation of VHF radar measurements of turbulence in the mesosphere", Radio Science, Vol 35, p 783.
Werne, Adams & Sanders 2000: "Heirarchical Data Structure and Massively Parallel I/O", Parallel Computing (submitted).
Werne & Fritts, 1999: "Anisotropy in Stratified Shear Turbulence", DoD HPC User Group Conference, Monterey, CA
Werne & Fritts, 1999: "Stratified shear turbulence: Evolution and statistics", GRL, Vol 26, p 439.
Hill, Gibson-Wilde, Werne & Fritts 1999: "Turbulence-induced fluctuations in ionization and application to PMSE", Earth Planets Space, Vol 51, p 499.
Werne 1996: "Turbulent convection: what has rotation taught us?", in Geophysical and Astrophysical Convection, Eds Fox and Kerr, Gordon Breach, 221.
Werne 1995: "Turbulent Rotating Rayleigh-Benard Convection with Comments on 2/7", Woods Hole Oceanog. Inst. Tech. Rept. WHOI-95-27.